IUD Insertion Training


IUD Insertion Training is an interactive course for doctors addressing the skills necessary for successful IUD assessment, counselling insertion and management.

The IUD Insertion Training is a blended training program with an online and face-to-face component. The training delivers the theoretical and clinical knowledge necessary to become a confident IUD inserter.

Course Outline

SHINE SA’s IUD Insertion Training consists of an online learning module, a 2.5 hour practical workshop with experienced medical practitioners and three (3x) 3.5 hour clinical training sessions.

This training is designed for medical practitioners who are experienced in contraceptive consultations and cervical screening. Doctors with a minimum of two years of postgraduate experience in community based general practice or obstetrics and gynaecology in Australia and current registration with AHPRA as a medical practitioner can register for this training.

Nurse Practitioners who feel that they are eligible for training can contact us directly at SHINESA Courses@shinesa.org.au to discuss their individual circumstances. This will be assessed on a case by case basis and dependent on availability of training positions.  

Participants will:

  • engage with an online learning module covering IUD types, pre and post IUD insertion assessment and management of IUD complications
  • develop skills in IUD insertion techniques as demonstrated on simulated models in our practical workshop
  • discuss practical issues regarding IUD insertion in general practice as part of the practical workshop.

Clinical training sessions are available on successful completion of the theory component (online learning module and workshop). Sessions must be commenced within 3 months of completing the theory component.

Clinical training is arranged on successful completion of the theory component and must be commenced within 3 months of the practical workshop.

The clinical training sessions are supported by SHINE SA’s highly experienced IUD insertion trainers. To successfully complete this training a minimum number of competent IUD insertions must be achieved. This generally takes 3 clinical sessions. Certification of competency is at the discretion of the Coordinator of Medical Education.

Applicants must be a Medical Practitioner with at least two years postgraduate experience, have current medical registration with the Medical Board of Australia and have unconditional AHPRA registration. Current DCSI child related screening is required. Adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance is the sole responsibility of the participant.

Please note: IUD insertion training does not include training in use of speculums for cervical screening.

Participants should have extensive experience in contraceptive counselling and have well-developed bimanual pelvic examination skills. Generally, this would mean participants have undertaken a FPAA Certificate in Reproductive & Sexual Health or a RANZCOG certificate or diploma, or can demonstrate considerable experience in sexual health and gynaecology.

GP Registrars who are in their final 6-12months of training and who have the support of their practice and appropriate level of experience are welcome to apply.

Note: GPs who are considering moving their practice are advised to delay training until they are established in a clinic that can support IUD insertions.

This training is applied for on the assumption of the above and clinical sessions can be refused or terminated due to lack of basic competency.

Course Details


To be eligible for this training you must have:

  • a minimum of 2 years of experience in general practice or obstetrics and gynaecology in Australia
  • current registration with AHPRA as a medical practitioner
  • current DCSI child related screening.

Please note: Adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance is the sole responsibility of the participant.



  • This education is a CPD Accredited Activity under the RACGP CPD Program
  • This activity is accredited with ACRRM

How to Apply

To be placed on the waiting list please complete the application form below.

Course Cost


Cost is inclusive of clinical training sessions

Course Dates

IUD Insertion Training Workshop

Date: 04 February 2025
Time: 9:30am - 12:00pm

SHINE SA, 64C Woodville Road, Woodville

Status: Closed

IUD Insertion Training Workshop

Date: 29 April 2025
Time: 9:30am - 12:00pm

SHINE SA, 64C Woodville Road, Woodville

Status: Open
Apply for Waitlist

IUD Insertion Training Workshop

Date: 05 August 2025
Time: 9:30am - 12:00pm

SHINE SA, 64C Woodville Road, Woodville

Status: Open
Apply for Waitlist

IUD Insertion Training Workshop

Date: 28 October 2025
Time: 9:30am - 12:00pm

SHINE SA, 64C Woodville Road, Woodville

Status: Open
Apply for Waitlist
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