Sexual health and relationship wellbeing for all

We welcome and celebrate all people from diverse cultures, sexual orientations, genders, sexes and abilities

Education For Professionals 

We provide training and education for doctors, nurses and midwives, educators, youth and community services sector workers and more.

News For You

The Mirena is Extended to Eight Years for Contraception!
26 Jun 2024

There’s good news for Mirena users from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA): the Mirena can now be used for up...

Media Release: SHINE SA Launches ‘Get Lucky? Get Tested for Syphilis’ Campaign
18 Jun 2024

Issued 18 June 2024 Syphilis was once thought of as a historical disease, and until recently, case numbers were low...

How Can We Improve LGBTIQA+ Experiences in Health Care this IDAHOBIT?
07 May 2024

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) is observed on May 17. IDAHOBIT invites us to reflect on...
