Educators and Schools – Relationships & Sexual Health Education

SHINE SA are committed to empowering educators and support staff to implement an evidence-based, whole-school approach to relationships and sexual health education.

We equip educators and support staff to facilitate learning experiences with young people that develop the skills to establish respectful, healthy, pleasurable relationships and build confidence in accessing services.


SHINE SA follows the view that:

Comprehensive sexuality education is a curriculum-based process of teaching and learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical and social aspects of sexuality. It aims to equip children and young people with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will empower them to: realize their health, well-being and dignity; develop respectful social and sexual relationships; consider how their choices affect their own well-being and that of others; and, understand and ensure the protection of their rights throughout their lives (p.16).

UNESCO. (2018). International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education – an evidence-informed approach for schools, teachers and health educators. Revised edition. France: UNESCO.

Professional Development

Relationships & Sexual Health Education 2-day (15 hour) courses

SHINE SA offers the Teaching It Like It Is 2-day courses designed to increase the capacity and confidence of educators and support staff to facilitate a consistent and comprehensive relationships and sexual health program.

These courses are face-to-face and interactive, exploring what makes an effective relationships and sexual health program.They cover content, teaching methods, demonstrations of classroom activities, and a range of resources. These 2-day courses run throughout the year based at SHINE SA Woodville with specific trainings for educators and support staff working in primary, secondary, inclusive, and alternative settings. They can also be facilitated in regional areas or at individual sites.

View our Courses and Events


10 Principles of Best Practice

View our 10 Principles of Best Practice


Annual Updates

Every year educators in schools delivering the SHINE SA curriculum complete an update which addresses any changes to curriculum or resources as well as current relationships and sexual health research and information.


Educator Workshops

SHINE SA can also facilitate workshops to upskill educators in specific aspects of relationships and sexual health education. They usually run between 90 and 120 minutes and focus on 1 or 2 related topics. For example, sexting and pornography, or gender diversity and diversity of attraction.

View our Courses and Events


Relationships & Sexual Health Education Curriculum

SHINE SA has developed a relationships and sexual health curriculum from year 5 to year 10 for South Australian young people. This curriculum is mapped to both the Australian Curriculum and the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum. It is informed by current research, and is reviewed regularly with input from young people (through our annual survey) and educators delivering the program.


Activity Packs

Due to the interactive nature of the methodologies used throughout the curriculum, SHINE SA have created activity packs to reduce the workload for educators. These are designed to be used in a busy classroom environment, they are durable, colour coded and labelled to make the activities manageable and enjoyable.


Focus Schools Program

SHINE SA has developed a relationships and sexual health curriculum from year 5 to year 10 for South Australian young people. This curriculum is mapped to both the Australian Curriculum and the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum. It is informed by current research, and is reviewed regularly with input from young people (through our annual survey) and educators delivering the program.

Learn More


Educators, Counsellors and Support Staff

A whole-school approach requires everyone interacting with young people to understand and feel confident around relationships and sexual health topics. Our professional development centres around curriculum, however the knowledge and strategies used to address relationships and sexual health issues are beneficial beyond teaching the curriculum. We encourage educators, counsellors and support staff to attend our courses. Additionally, anyone working with young people in a school setting is welcome to contact the Schools Education and Support team for information, resources, and support.


An extensive library with free membership available to anyone in South Australia offers a range of books, journals, reports and research articles. Of particular relevance to schools is the huge selection of picture books, novels, and non-fiction books that can be borrowed throughout the year. When young people have access to these in the classroom it creates an environment where exploring relationships and sexual health topics is normalised and diverse experiences are represented.


Membership to the Resource Centre is available to schools and organisations for an annual fee and offers access to a large selection of resources including games, activities, card sets, and demonstration models. These resources cater for a range of young people including primary, secondary, Aboriginal, culturally and linguistically diverse, and students with disability.

Resource Centre

SHINE SA’s Online Shop offers a variety of resources that can be ordered or downloaded. Many of these resources are available for free such as posters, wallet cards, and fact sheets. These resources compliment the delivery of SHINE SA relationships and sexual heath curriculum by providing young people with something they can refer to in their own time. linguistically diverse, and students with disability.

Online Shop

Student Snapshot Report - Student Feedback on Relationships and Sexual Health Education

SHINE SA's annual Student Snapshot Report summarises data collected from students from Years 7 to 10 participating in the SHINE SA Focus Schools Program and highlights possible opportunities for improved R&SH education practice.

Events and Talks

Service talks are 45-90 minute talks facilitated by a SHINE SA educator intended to compliment the delivery of the SHINE SA Relationships and Sexual Heath curriculum by providing young people with information about the counselling and clinical services that are available through SHINE SA.

They can cover the topics of young people and sexual health, young people and relationships, consent, young people and attraction, contraception, STIs, pregnancy choices, and where to go to for help.

Service Talks can be delivered at SHINE SA with the option of including a clinic walk through with a sexual health nurse (subject to availability and current COVID-19 restrictions) or at a school or organisation.

Our Parent/Carer Workshops are offered throughout the year at SHINE SA Woodville. During the 120 minute workshop, parents/carers have the opportunity to explore some of the lessons in the SHINE SA curriculum, engage in some of the activities included in lessons, discuss some of the relationships and sexual health issues relevant to children and young people in South Australia, and explore some tips for talking with children and young people about relationships and sexual health topics. We also provide information about wellbeing support services available in the Adelaide metropolitan area and ensure there is plenty of time for questions to be answered. They can also be facilitated in regional areas or at individual sites.

View our Courses and Events

SHINE SA can support schools and organisations with wellbeing days and expos (subject to availability and current COVID-19 restrictions) by hosting a stall with relationships and sexual health information and resources on display and SHINE SA educators available to answer questions.

Other SHINE SA Services

Clinical services are available at SHINE SA at Woodville and Hyde Street. These services include STI testing and treatment; condoms and safer sex information; emergency contraception; contraception advice and provision; pregnancy testing and options.

Find a Clinic

Sexual Health Counsellors at SHINE SA provide a non-judgmental, supportive and confidential service for you to talk about the sexual health related concerns. The service is available to individuals, couples and families. You can come in to see us on your own or with a partner or support person.

Sexual Health Counselling

The Gender Wellbeing Service is a free, confidential service and safe space for people who are questioning their gender identity or identify as trans or gender diverse. This service provides psychological therapies, peer support, general information and support within the metropolitan area of Adelaide.

Gender Wellbeing Service

There are various courses available on a range of topics outside the school context but still relevant to young people.

Community Education Courses and Events

Contact Us

For further information or enquiries, please email or phone 8300 5317.

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