A Quick Guide to the Menstrual Cycle & Periods


A Quick Guide to the Menstrual Cycle & Periods

It can be hard to get accurate and helpful information for people getting their period for the first time. We’ve designed this guide to answer the questions that young people want to know, like what is a period? Why do we have periods? What is a menstrual cycle? What period products should I use?…and more.


This quick guide is designed for young people and helps to demystify periods, the menstrual cycle and period management.


This guide is available to download as a PDF (you can send this on to young people in your life) or as a physical booklet.


The physical booklet can be a handy resource for educators, counsellors, support workers, parents and carers.


The booklet is 10 pages, printed in colour and staple bound.


Dimensions: 21 x 15 cm


All Prices Are GST Inclusive And Are In Australian Dollars.

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