Disability & Sexuality

SHINE SA believes that people living with a disability have the right to:

  • explore and express their gender and sexuality
  • have relationships based on consent, safety and respect
  • learn lessons from life’s experience, with support where required
  • control decisions which affect their sexual health and relationships.

The key to building sexual health and relationship wellbeing with people living with a disability (and with all people!) is to communicate openly about rights and responsibilities in relation to our bodies, sexual feelings and behaviours, healthy relationships, respect for boundaries, diversity and the law.

SHINE SA works to improve access to sexual health and healthy relationships for people with disabilities by helping professionals—focusing on educators and school staff—to develop the skills and knowledge they need through training and access to resources.

A range of SHINE SA’s services and resources relevant for people with a disability and their allies are listed below.

(The photo featured above is from the Disabled And Here project.)

Clinical Services

SHINE SA aims to ensure our clinical services are as accessible as possible for people with a disability.

To help people living with a disability access our services, we provide:

  • Accessible parking spaces (Woodville)
  • Wheelchair accessible entrances (all locations)
  • A dedicated intake process to support people living with disability
  • Sensory accommodations – for example, adjusting lighting
  • Longer appointments at no additional cost for anyone who might need extra time
  • Telehealth appointments for all appropriate services
  • Contact us through the National Relay Service; 33 677 (TTY/Voice) 1300 555 727 (Speak & Listen) 0423 677 767 (SMS Relay)
  • Interpreters including AUSLAN.

When making appointments, please provide all information about any accommodations or needs you may require.


Services offered include:

  • contraception services, pregnancy testing, counselling and referral
  • STI testing, management and referral
  • Support with sexual health issues
  • Information and resources on sexual health (see our Library and Resource Centre below).
    Important Note: SHINE SA counsellors are not specialists in disability and have limited capacity in this space, but we may provide you with referral options.


What can’t we provide?  

  • SHINE SA clinics and counselling are not suitable for ongoing individual education sessions or NDIS funded work.
  • All clinic rooms have adjustable examination beds, but please let our reception staff know if you have specific needs so we can make accommodations. 
  • Our staff are unable to lift clients to transfer to an examination bed but we are happy to accommodate clients who have someone to do this for them. 
  • SHINE SA Counsellors are unable to provide therapy for people engaging in harmful sexual behaviour towards others but we can provide you with referral options. Note: SHINE SA counsellors are not specialists in disability.

Visit Our Clinics page for more information on our clinics including fees. 

Library and Resource Centre

SHINE SA’sLibrary and Resource Centre has a specialist collection of books, resources, kits, games, anatomically correct dolls and other teaching resources which can be used to communicate effectively about a range of sexual and relationship topics. 

We endeavour to make the Library space welcoming and inclusive. There is a small collection of fidgets and other toys available, and pencils and pages for colouring in. With notice, some sensory preferences can be accommodated, such as turning off overhead fluorescent lighting and using window light, adjusting room temperature, or opting for minimal chat or eye contact. An appointment time should be made in advance for sensory accommodations by contacting library@shinesa.org.au 


Other resources for people living with a disability

The South Australian Council on Intellectual Disability (SACID) have a range of resources on relationships, sexuality and disability as well as workshops for people with intellectual disability. 

SACID Resources 

SACID Workshops


SECCA supports people with disability to learn about relationships, sexuality and sexual health. They have a range of resources available on their website. 

SECCA Resources 

Inclusive Education Training: Relationships & Sexual Health Education for Students living with Disability

SHINE SA’s 2-day course, facilitated by experienced educators, explores the information, skills and strategies staff needed by adults to deliver comprehensive relationships and sexual health education to students living with a disability. 

This course explores modified programs and resources to individualise content and ensure that relationships and sexual health education is accessible to young people living with a disability. 

Learn More 

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