Clinic Fees

SHINE SA's clinics provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services.

Who can access bulk billed (free) consults at SHINE SA?

Clients who:

  • are 21 years old and under

  • are a full-time student (have a full-time student card)

  • are a concession card holder (Health Care Card, Commonwealth Seniors card, Pension card, DVA Gold card).

Clients must have a Medicare card to be bulk billed.
Not sure what a Medicare card or bulk billing is? Read more  here: How to get a medicare card – headspace


Clients under 21 years old

Sexual and reproductive health services and GP services are FREE (bulk billed) for all clients 21 years and under, with a Medicare card.
(A fee for medication/consumables may apply.)


Clients with concession/Health Care/full time student card

Sexual and reproductive health services and GP services for clients over the age of 21 with a valid Concession/Health Care/full-time student card will be FREE (excluding cost of any consumables).

Consumables include contraception supplied by SHINE SA, medication, and some vaccines.

Please bring your Medicare, Health Care and concession cards with you to your appointment.


Sexual and reproductive health clinic fees for clients over 21 years old (non-concession card holders)

ServicePayable On DayMedicare RebateOut-Of-Pocket Expense (Gap)
Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinic Appointment$125.90*$82.90* $50
Nurse Consult$35 $35
IUD Assessment$132.90*$82.90*$50
Nurse IUD Assessment$50$50
Nurse Implanon Insertion or Removal$75$75
IUD Insertion$379.15*$129.15*$250 + cost of device
IUD Insertion (by Doctor Completing Advanced Training)$229.15*$129.15*$100 + cost of device
Implanon Insertion/Removal$137.35*$77.35*$75 + cost of device
IUD Removal$176.70*$101.70*$75
Nurse IUD removal$75$75

*These costs are a guide.

Our receptionists can answer any questions you may have and help you access the sexual and reproductive health care you need. You can call 8300 5300 to find out more.


Hyde Street Practice GP clinic fees for clients over 21 years old (non-concession card holders)

ServicePayable On DayMedicare RebateOut-Of-Pocket Expense (Gap)
Short Appointment: Less than 10 mins$34.60$19.60$20
Standard Appointment: Less than 20 mins$87.85$42.85$50
Long Appointment: More than 25 mins$142.90$82.90$65
Prolonged Appointment: More than 45 mins$212.15$122.15$95
Script or Letter Without Appointment$20

More information on our fees

Important: There is very high demand for our appointments, please notify us if you are unable to attend your appointment.

Clients who fail to attend their appointment without notice will be charged a $40 fee.

Minor procedures involve a consult fee, gap payment and consumable fee (if applicable).

Clients experiencing hardship are encouraged to discuss their situation with the clinician at their appointment.

All clients are required to pay the cost of supplied consumables.

Please note that fees are calculated on the actual duration of a consultation rather than the length of appointment booked, speak to our friendly receptionists or clinicians if you are unsure of the appointment type to book.

Non-Medicare card holders will be charged a full cost of consult without a rebate. Any pathology taken will be directly billed. We do not process Private Health Insurance claims, we do provide a receipt for you to claim through your insurer.
If you don’t have your own Medicare card but are listed on your family Medicare card, we can still see you without the card and our staff can obtain your number from Medicare. If you are over 15, you can obtain a Medicare card of your own by attending a Medicare office with identification and completing a Medicare Copy/Transfer Application Form. It’s a good idea to discuss this with a parent or carer if possible.


For information on Hyde Street Practice specialist fees visit Hyde Street Practice.

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