Relationships & Sexual Health Education for Students with a Disability

SHINE SA can provide support to teachers and other workers to support students with a disability in the area of relationships and sexual health.

SHINE SA provides professional development, curriculum outlines and resources to support teachers and support staff who work with young people living with a disability.

SHINE SA offer’s a 2-day course, facilitated by experienced educators. The course explores the information, skills and strategies staff needed to deliver a comprehensive relationships and sexual health program to students living with a disability.

Participants will receive a certificate of achievement and recognition of training and development hours with reference to relevant Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Inclusive Education Course: Relationships & Sexual Health Education for Students with a Disability

Teaching It Like It Is – Inclusive Education

SHINE SA has an extensive Library with free membership available to all South Australians.

Additionally the Resource Centre features a wide selection of resources for young people with learning and physical disabilities to support delivery of a comprehensive relationships and sexual health education program. All schools are able to join the Resource Centre for an annual membership fee with most resources able to be posted via the DECD courier system. For catalogues and membership information see the Resource Centre.

Our Friendships and dating: Information about relationships for parents, carers and young people with a disability booklet can be downloaded.

Library and Resource Centre

Once a school has made a commitment to deliver a comprehensive relationships and sexual health curriculum, SHINE SA can assist in the planning and implementation of a parent/carer information evening.

Our aim is to provide support in the first instance to build confidence and capacity for staff to facilitate future evenings on their own.

For further information: or phone 8300 5317.

Contact Schools Education and Support Team


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