Sexual Health Week
16-22 September 2024
Pleasure Positive

Sexual Health Week invites all South Australians to have conversations around improving our sexual health and relationship wellbeing.

Sexual Health Week hopes to invite destigmatising conversations about sexual health in a fun and positive way.

Our theme this year is ‘Pleasure Positive’ and focuses on the important role of pleasure in our sexual health and wellbeing.

Sexual Health Week Events

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see what organisations are doing this Sexual Health Week!

Get involved!

Sexual Health Week is the perfect excuse to host an event as part of your group or organisation.

It can be super simple or a creative extravaganza.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Host a morning tea that focuses on respectful relationships.
  • Create a youth event with games that encourage people to think about safety, pleasure and respect.
  • Share information around sexual health messaging in your next meeting or on your social media.
  • Include some simple resources for improving sexual health in your next newsletter.
  • Display posters and include resources in your organisation that encourage the normalisation of sexual health.

Make sure to tag SHINE SA in your event promotion! A Campaign Toolkit is also available, with posters, social media tiles and more.


See more information on our Community Grants Program below!


Celebrate Sexual Health Week with us!

Download our Campaign Toolkit which includes posters and social media tiles.

Suggested captions include:

  • Let’s celebrate Sexual Health Week! This year’s theme is ‘Pleasure Positive’. How can learning more about sexual health and pleasure improve your wellbeing?
  • This year’s Sexual Health Week asks: How can thinking about pleasure improve our sexual health and relationships?
  • This year’s Sexual Health Week asks: How can considering pleasure improve our relationships and wellbeing?
  • Sexual Health Week (16-22 September) is here and the theme is Pleasure Positive! Let’s talk about pleasure and its fundamental role in our sexual rights, health and wellbeing.
  • Sexual Health Week is here, and this year’s theme is Pleasure Positive! Join us in celebrating the important role of pleasure in our sexual health and wellbeing.
  • Pleasure is a key part of sexual health and wellbeing! This #SexualHealthWeek, we’re focusing on being #PleasurePositive.
  • Pleasure is a fundamental part of our sexual rights, health and wellbeing. This Sexual Health Week (16-22 September) let’s talk about pleasure. Learn more at

SHINE SA wants to support youth and community sector organisations/groups to get involved in this year’s Sexual Health Week. Be a part of raising awareness of sexual health and creating destigmatising conversations.

SHINE SA will provide successful organisations with a $2,000 grant (inc gst) to host an event and where appropriate can provide resources (such as posters, Fact Sheets) and information.

Our Community Grants Program has now closed!


Download resources

SHINE SA have a host of free resources that can be used to start conversations around relationships and sexual health.

Our Online Shop has resources including:

  • posters
  • cards and games
  • Fact Sheets
  • and more.

If you are hosting a Sexual Health Week event, why not download our Campaign Toolkit.

You can also check out our Library and Resource Centre for activities, games and other resources.

Online Shop


Further resources

The Pleasure Project

A pleasure mindset encourages better communication and consent. The pleasure project looks at ways that pleasure can be embedded within public health activities.

Learn More


The Busy Youth Workers’ Guide to Talking Sexual Health 

A great resource that will support you in approaching topics about sexual health and relationships when talking to young people.  

Download Now 


Talk Soon. Talk Often. A Guide for Parents Talking to their Kids About Sex

To support parents/carers on how to approach educating their children about reproduction, sexuality and relationships, and more. 

Download Now 


Video: Let’s Talk About… Sex & Pleasure

This short video from the International Planned Parenthood Foundation looks at sex and pleasure.

Watch Now


Video: Sex, Pleasure and Consent

Check out this series of videos by SHINE SA that answers common questions about sex, pleasure and consent.

Watch Now


Talking About Sexual Health tool

PlaySafe (NSW Health) have put together the Talking About Sexual Health tool, a great approach to facilitate conversation
with young people about sexual health.

Download Now


Keep up-to-date!

Subscribe to our Youth Sexual Health Newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news related to sexual health and relationship wellbeing, free resources, and professional development opportunities.

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