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There’s no shame. We all have questions about our sexual and reproductive health.
But it’s important that we get the right answers.

Our Ask SHINE SA segment is no longer available but our free Sexual Healthline will be able to support you with any tricky questions.

Call SHINE SA’s Sexual Healthline on 1300 883 793 and speak to a sexual health nurse for free. The Line is open Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 12:30pm.

You can also contact us at SHINE SA on 8300 5300 or book an appointment.

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The Answers

If you don’t want to be pregnant for another couple of years then have another Mirena inserted. If you don’t want to be pregnant straight away you still need contraception and 2 years of a Mirena is more affordable than 2 years of taking the Pill and condoms are not as effective. The Mirena is immediately reversible meaning you can get pregnant if you have had sex in the 5-7 days before it’s removed (yes, that’s how long sperm can survive after sex!). There is no need to regulate your periods before getting pregnant, it doesn’t improve your chances. If you are planning a pregnancy there is no need to wait after a Mirena is removed, you can start trying straight away.

The Mirena is a highly effective form of contraception (99.9% effective). So, yes it will protect against unintended pregnancy. However it won’t protect against STIs so it’s a good idea to use condoms anyway and book regular sexual health checks. Also it goes without saying that you’d need to be asking your partner before you go and ejaculate inside them.

First up, these experiences are really common! We’ve covered a bit on painful sex in our blog here:

Sexual Dysfunction Is Common, So What Can We Do About It?

If you’re experiencing pain during sex it’s important to talk to a doctor about and to stop having sex if it hurts. You can’t “push through the pain” and in many cases this will make the problem worse and may trigger a longer-term problem. You can still have other types of sex that don’t hurt, such as oral sex or mutual masturbation, but anything that causes pain needs to be stopped until you have talked to a health professional. You can see a GP experienced in sexual health issues or pelvic pain. You may also need to see other health professionals such as a physiotherapist, counsellor or psychologist but your GP can refer you to these. There can be a range of reasons for low libio. If you are feeling a bit flat and worried about your libido (sex drive) then you might also want to to a GP. But remember, not being interested in sex is only a problem if it is bothering you.


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Ask SHINE SA will provide information from the knowledge and experience of our sexual health clinicians.
This service is not liable for the information it provides and does not substitute consulting with your doctor or sexual health clinic.

If you require medical attention see your GP or local Emergency Department.

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