Disability & Mental Health Workers

SHINE SA provides opportunities for agencies to increase their existing workers’ knowledge and skills in the area of sexual and reproductive health and relationships.

Course Outline

This course, developed for professionals, defines and explains all the options available to women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. It is open to nurses, doctors, counsellors, community health workers, school counsellors, youth workers, Aboriginal Health Workers, and any professional who encounters clients with unplanned pregnancy.

More information: Pregnancy Choices Training

SHINE SA’s Library & Resource Centre is a key community resource for the disability community, with a large collection of books, manuals, videos and specialist teaching resources tailored for disability and sexuality learning. Many ages and disabilities are catered to. Books and some videos are available free-of-charge and anyone may join. Parents and individuals living with a disability are especially invited to join the Library. To find out more see SHINE SA Library.

Organisations may access the specialist teaching resources and most videos for an annual fee. The catalogues can be accessed at Resource Centre.

For all enquiries relating to education and training, please contact us
on 8300 5300 or via email at
